Do Your Homework
The special election for Mayor of Indianola is coming up quickly.
Be sure you have listened to everything we candidates have said in radio interviews ( - the local Indianola station), have read everything we candidates have said in interviews ( and The Indianola Record Herald) or by reading the articles and our answers to questions sent in by the public in The Indianola Independent Advocate ( Go online with The Simpsonian, (, the Simpson College online paper). If you were in attendance at the Mayor's Youth Council panel at the high school, consider our introductions of ourselves and the answers to questions.
I haven't finished visiting businesses and talking to people. I love meeting people. With "social distancing" necessary, it has been nearly impossible to present ourselves in front of service clubs, church groups, etc., because most aren't meeting on a regular basis or are only meeting by Zoom, Skype....
A lot of thought went into answering the questions submitted by the public to The Indianola Independent Advocate and the interview questions conducted by Amy Duncan, George Shillcock, Andrew Swadner and Paul Hyatt. Those reporters were thorough. Thank you to all of you and to Becky Lane, sponsor of the Mayor's Youth Council, for arranging the panel for the high school students. Though most of the students are too young to vote, they showed great interest by their presence that morning.
Communication, which means speaking and listening, are critical to the success of any leadership position. Those two ingredients determine a good or mediocre leader. I want your vote for Mayor of Indianola, Iowa; my home town, your home town. Do your "home" work.