Essay Submitted to Council Prior to Interview in October 2020
As I look out the window, today is a sunny, warm day for October in Iowa. Other days have gray skies, tornado, even derecho winds, blizzard conditions or fog—many of which could happen in Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer here…. That is similar to the conditions of a city. All leaders of Cities, States and Nations must realize the changes that might come gradually or unexpectedly. Having things run smoothly is best.
I grew up in Indianola, was a dancer, a cheerleader, participated in clubs, sang in the choir, was a founding member of the New Life Singers my Junior year; members of whom were kids from every church in the area. I went to college in Ames and Iowa City. My husband and I lived in the mountains of Virginia for a Summer and two years in Minneapolis. We moved back to Iowa City, to Burlington on the mighty Mississippi, and then came full-circle back to Warren County where everything we got involved in was in Indianola.
The Fetters and Steen families have been involved in Indianola for many years, in many ways. Education, a dance band, athletics, civic involvement…. My grandpa died in office as Mayor in the mid-60s. I know that Indianola is a different City than it was at that time. But I have a passion for helping Indianola thrive.
In a way, I’d love for the world to know about this City that sits in the heart of the Nation. In another way, it’s a rather nice secret.
Balloons that dot the sky every year, and any time the winds cooperate, are a sight to see. I’ve ridden in balloons twice. Fun! We can brag about the great college that we can all benefit from; everyone taking classes or just to walk the campus. Our Elementary Schools, Middle and High Schools send well-equipped young people into the world when they complete the grades. And to my knowledge, none of them get left behind if they struggle.
I would like a chance to sit in the office of Mayor; to complete the term left from Mr. Kelly Shaw’s resignation. What I don’t know about or understand, I would get the answers. I would like a chance to help citizens thrive as well as the City. I would do my best to make Indianola continue to be a place of which we’re all proud.
Your vote for me on March 2, 2021, would mean the world to me. [updated: I’ve built a website so that people have a chance to contact me easily and voice opinions, concerns, needs…. It is ready now and readers may comment. Go to
I will add here that Tom and I dated in High School, went to college together (after I transferred from ISU to Iowa), we married in 1975 and have three children and four grandchildren. Tom graduated from Iowa, played baseball for a season with the Houston Astros, then went to Grad School in Minneapolis. I graduated from Iowa in 1992 (no typo), with Tom, my parents and our three kids watching me walk across the platform for my diploma. I graduated with athletes such as Acie Earl and Danan Hughes; who my guys liked watching graduate more than their mother. Graduating in the way I did proves that there is no time limit on goals. If you want it, it can be done. And our family motto is "You've gotta try."
Thank you for considering me for Mayor. Michelle