Early Voting for Indianola Mayor

Indianola Mayor Vote on March 2, 2021

I'm a daughter, sister, wife, mom, grandma, aunt, Christian and friend. The success and growth of the City of Indianola, Iowa, is my passion. Listening is key to learning what is important to citizens of Indianola; for children, parents, singles, seniors and visitors. It should be easy to contact the Mayor of a City, so I've created this site for us. When there are subjects you want to make known, or if I have something to tell visitors to this site,  this is the place for that. Keep comments kind and honest. I'll do the same.

The Special Election for Mayor of Indianola, Iowa, will be held on March 2, 2021.  Everyone will vote at the American Legion Post, across the street to the east from the Indianola Post Office.  All residents within the City limits are eligible to vote. 

The Poll will be open from 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.  An absentee ballot will be mailed to those requesting one.  Call the Warren County Auditor's office at 515-961-1020.  

For information concerning the Warren County Auditor's office, go to www.warrencountyia.org and click on the government tab.  From that drop-down tab, choose Auditor.

If I find out any different information, I will try and get it posted on a timely basis.  Be sure that you do vote for this election.  It determines who will be the Mayor of Indianola for the next 9-10 months.

I would appreciate your vote, but you should vote for the person you believe will represent Indianola the best.  I will try to be that person and will try to keep an open forum available.  My grandpa was Mayor in the mid-60s and I'd like to follow in his footsteps. Thank you in advance.


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