For Indianola Residents and All Who Are Interested in Indianola
Happy Friday!
I hope you are well and staying warm. Below is this week’s update email. If there are any questions, please let me know. I am more than happy to discuss any of these items or any other city-related matter.
Please have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend!
Parking Lot Signage
Streets Division staff installed identification signage for all the public parking lots located around the Square. The goal of the signs is to identify the available public parking. All of these lots are free and available for anyone to use. Linked below you may find a picture of what the installed signs look like, as well as a map identifying all the available free public parking lots around the Square.
Parking Sign (PHOTO)
Public Parking Map (PDF)
Square Reconstruction (Streetscape) Open House
On Thursday, June 3, Absolute Concrete, in cooperation with Bolton and Menk, the City, and the Indianola Chamber, will host two open house meetings regarding the upcoming Square Reconstruction Project. The project is scheduled to officially begin on Monday, June 14. The purpose of these open house meetings is to introduce the general contractor, discuss proposed timelines for the project, and allow for business and property owners to meet and ask questions of the contractors. These meetings will take place at the Sagewood Events Venue (117 E Salem Ave) at 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM. An invitation to these open house meetings is attached.
Invitation (PDF)
Hillcrest Avenue Improvements
Engineering design work for the roadway improvements on Hillcrest Avenue, between North 4th Street and North 14th Street, has begun. As a part of this design work, the City’s engineering firm began collecting field survey information which is needed to prepared necessary construction documents. The City’s approved Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes this improvement project to replace the existing failed pavement with a new concrete pavement surface, storm-sewer infrastructure, sidewalks on one side of the road, trees, improved trail crossing, and a new trail head. The construction for this project is planned during Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) and 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).
Yard Waste
The City would like to provide a friendly reminder that regulations prohibit placing debris on roadways. This not only helps create a safer driving surface, it also helps to prevent blocking of the storm sewer drains (as seen in this picture) so that proper drainage can occur. The public’s assistance is greatly appreciated.
Blocked Storm Drain (PHOTO)
Indianola Extra
The City has been receiving inquiries and complaints from residents wishing to stop the delivery of the Indianola Extra (this is NOT a City service or program). Residents wishing to cancel this service may do so by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling (515) 402-3749.
Memorial Day
Non-emergency City offices will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.
Community Development Reports
Attached are the following reports provided by the Community Development Department:
Current Projects Update (PDF)
Of the 17 projects listed, one is awaiting a submittal from the developer, 10 are in review, and six have been approved and are in construction.
2021 Building Permits (PDF)
This week, four building permits were submitted and four were issued. There are currently 11 building permit applications in review and 67 building permits have been issued year to date.
Code Enforcement (PDF)
There are currently 27 open code enforcement cases (41 code enforcement cases have been opened for the year).
City Council Anticipated Agendas
Below please find links to the documents containing anticipated agenda items for upcoming City Council meetings. These are working drafts. Agendas are published on the City’s website the Thursday prior to a scheduled City Council meeting.